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Born and raised in France, David has always been into perfume. From his childhood’s souvenirs with the fresh smell of the pine woods to the discovery of a variety of smells in cities, David became obsessed with perfumes.
He has both chemist and perfumer background. He started to work at L’Artisan Parfumeur as a perfume advisor. He was quickly spotted by Bertrand Duchaufour, a world-known French perfumer. In the midst of his learning journey, David has already shown his creativity and authenticity within a few awarded collaborations. One of them, Anti Anti for Atelier PMP, was nominated at the Art and Olfaction award in Berlin, in 2017.
David and his colleagues have created 5 scents in the first Jillian collection with inspiration from love, nature, and after hundreds of hours working at the lab in Zurich. Fall in Lust is one of the most preferred niche perfumes appreciated by scent lovers.